Friday, March 8, 2024

Disney Prep: What's in My Park Bag?


As we're preparing for our Disney trip that's coming up soon, I'm sharing some of my favorites and essentials! When it comes to what to carry for a day in the Parks, there are so many varying preferences and opinions. I've done a variety of things over the years, from a large backpack (too big and bulky and not necessary), a belt bag/fanny pack (I'm a 90s kid; it's a fanny pack to me; belt bags aren't quite enough space for me and they feel heavy on my tummy), and most recently, I've landed on Disney Loungefly backpacks (or any backpack that falls into that small/medium size category). I most often buy my Loungefly bags on eBay, Poshmark, or occasionally at the Disney Parks themselves. Boxlunch also has a fun assortment sometimes! 

So what exactly do I carry for a day in Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, or Animal Kingdom? Surprisingly, not a ton! Sometimes my list can vary based on weather (for instance, I typically don't carry a poncho or personal fan in the winter since that's not rainy/super scorching season in Orlando). One thing I didn't include on this list was a Ziplock bag for each of my youngest two kids (currently ages 6 and 4) with a change of clothes and underwear inside. Those bags usually just go in the storage area of our stroller (we rent our stroller when we visit Orlando; that's coming in another post!). 

Here's what I like to put inside my park bag:

  • Straws! Disney Parks have switched to paper straws, which is a very polarizing topic - ha! If you're not a fan, just bring in your own straws. It's a small thing that can make a big difference in the enjoyment of your meal/snack time. 
  • Supergoop PLAY Sunscreen. This is our family favorite for general sun protection (doesn't matter what time of year it is - you ALWAYS need sunscreen!). We apply in the morning and then carry it with us to reapply midday. I use Supergoop's Unseen Screen as a makeup primer in the morning and PLAY on my neck, ears, shoulders, etc. 
  • iWalk Charger. I carry this because it's small and is cordless, which can come in handy! 
  • Fuel Rod Charger(s). Disney Parks has Fuel Rod stations in different locations in each park. Once you initially buy a "starter kit" (which includes a rod and cords/adapters), you just swap out the rod itself once the charge has been depleted. Very handy and you don't have to stress about being without a charger. You can purchase your starter kit online if you want to just go ahead and get that done (or you can purchase there at one of the stations) and then use the stations to swap out your rods. My husband and I both carry chargers at all times. 
  • Hand Sanitizer Spray. I find a spray to be the most convenient, mess-free, and easiest for kids. You can use something like the Touchland brand or Wet Ones for a more budget-friendly option.
  • Travel Size Wipes. The Huggies brand is my favorite, but just having an easy way to wipe hands or messes is very convenient. We're out of the diaper stage but still carry wipes!
  • Travel Size Container of BandAids. You just never know, and it's so much easier to just have BandAids on your person rather than having to walk all the way to a First Aid station if you're bleeding and not near one.
  • Ponchos. You can always buy a poncho at Disney if a rain shower appears, but be prepared to pay! It's much easier on your wallet (and sanity) to just have them ready to go. I've carried reusable poncho "jackets" as well, and they're definitely sturdy and great, but now I lean more on the side of just buying a ton of them inexpensively and carrying a couple that per person that you can toss once the rain lets up.
  • Sunglasses. These are my favorite sunglasses EVER. So comfortable and cute!
  • Lipstick. I always carry my lipstick to refresh throughout the day. It makes me feel put together and ready for pictures. My favorite in the world is Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk. The best formula and a universally flattering shade!
That's it! Of course, if you have infants or younger toddlers, there are many more items that you would probably want to carry with you (and I did for many years!), but this is what I carry with me now to enjoy a day in The Most Magical Place on Earth!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Planners, Priorities and Choosing Well

Happy New Year!

I always love the fresh start of a new year, and I enjoy the process of assessing and resetting. Part of my New Year routine is reconfiguring my method of schedule-keeping and thinking about how I want to keep our family calendar organized.

I tend to try out different personal planners for each year, and the last few years I've used the Day Designer Weekly/Monthly planner. I bought it again because it's my go-to and I want to have it on standby. 

However, I also found myself buying this Whitney English planner along with her notepads. I couldn't help but fall for her beautiful branding! 

As I've flipped through the planner and started filling it out, it almost seems like too much space for list-making (can't believe I'm saying there is such a thing). I like her concept of HEART goals in theory (an acronym that stands for Help Yourself, Empower Yourself, All Your People, Resources & Responsibilities and Trade), but I already find myself wanting to tweak the acronym to better fit my outlook. For instance, instead of "empowering myself" (I don't like that phrase), I would rather have an entire category geared towards spiritual growth with that as the heading. I'm interested to see how I feel about this a few months in. 

Another item I bought several months ago with the new year in mind is this weekly notepad. Several years ago I used the Lara Casey Power Sheets and really saw positive outcomes from a daily habits standpoint. I think the successful aspect was the habit tracker. I'm not in a season where I have major goals that would require a full notebook, but I wanted to see if I could replicate that habit-tracking mechanism. I found this notepad on Amazon and I'm going to give it a try as well. 

From a family calendar aspect, I LOVE the Family Plan Calendar from Family Teams. It's large and we hang it on the wall near our mud room. Some weeks I don't get this filled out and I always notice that things run more smoothly when I do. The biggest way we use this is filling in who is packing a lunch each day for school. The kids just reference the calendar and they know if they're packing a lunch or not! It also helps the kids to see the meal plan for the week and at-a-glance activities. I've just noticed that they tend to do better when they have an idea of what's going on, and I realized that I'm not the only one who can benefit from a calendar! 

With so many products available and so much talk about goals and checklists and personal growth, I often find myself feeling super motivated at the beginning of the year. But, like most people, habits and motivation can easily taper off when "life" starts to happen. Even though I'm aiming to utilize a checklist system of some sort (probably using some combination of the above products), this year I'm keeping things very simple and I have ONE daily goal: to spend time with the Lord. If I do nothing else but that, I know without a doubt that I've done something of value that will transform my thinking and create heart change (as well as renew my mind). 

Of course I have other things I'm aiming for as well. Here's a little snapshot:
  • Daily Bible reading using The Bible Recap plan and corresponding book 
    • This is my goal each morning. I've been using the Bible Recap for several months now and it's been a good guide! I love how the author points everything to God and His character. Note: This is not a commentary but a good synopsis to look over AFTER reading the Scripture passage. It's important to not use the Bible Recap as a substitute for the actual Scriptures. 
  • Daily devotional reading each morning from Alistair Begg's Truth for Life
  • Deeper Bible study using Knowing the Living God: The Doctrine of God by Paul Washer
    • My sister and brother-in-law sent this to Kurt for Christmas, and I immediately wanted to do it too! We love Paul Washer and his humble and unapologetic preaching of God' Word and his passion for sound doctrine. This Bible study is in a series about foundational truths of our faith. I aim to do this most days of the week during nap time. I can devote a little more time and I'm not as tired as I am in the evening (I'm looking at my tendencies and trying to develop better habits based on when I'm most alert).
  • Try some scenic bike rides
    • I gave Kurt a Nordic Track bike for Christmas, and I chose Nordic Track specifically because of the reviews about their scenic rides. You can "ride" almost anywhere in the world! I tried Pilates last year and really enjoyed it. I want to try something at home and see if it's a good fit for me.
  • Following an "Intentional Time" challenge with my friend Erin (follow on Instagram: @resslererinm)
    • Erin successfully completed the famous "75 Hard" challenge last year. While discussing it together, we started talking about how different and truly transformed people would be if they applied that same dedication to spiritual growth and intentional time with others, as well as taking significant time off from social media. She decided to make it a challenge for people to do together, and I'm excited to take part in it! 
  • Scheduled date nights and time with friends
    • I want to be more intentional about relationships this year and making sure it's a priority
  • Grow Well Chosen in a way that honors the Lord and also keeps me thinking creatively 

Something I've been dwelling on a lot is the DAILY aspect of following Christ and taking up our cross; the DAILY discipline of making the right choices in the (seemingly) small things and serving the Lord in mundane routines that don't feel significant. I've also been thinking about Mary and Martha in Scripture (found in Luke 10) and how Jesus said that "only one thing is needed" (verse 42). Mary made the best choice when a lot was going on around her. I'm the first to feel overwhelmed when a lot is on my plate and I feel paralyzed about all that I need to do (I have always related really strongly to Martha!). But I want to focus on eternal things in 2022 and continue the spiritual growth that really started for me back in 2020. No amount of lists, goal-setting, soul-searching or dreaming will fulfill me or get me to "where I want to be" (and that phrase itself should give us pause - "where I want to be"). Where does HE want me to be? When we get that right, everything else falls into place. 

I am hopeful and humbly grateful to God looking into this new year. The best is always yet to come when we are in Christ! I am praying that I "choose well" this year and that we can discuss and learn here together! 

Amazon links are affiliate links. When you make a purchase through those links, I receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting Well Chosen!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

For Those Who are Tired (and Last Minute Gift Ideas)

We're in the week of Christmas, and we can all sense the mounting excitement, but also the mounting stress. I feel like no matter how early we start preparing and doing things in advance, there are still so many little things that fill the week before Christmas that can create a lot of chaos. Honestly, some of this is unavoidable, and I think we would do better to understand and embrace it rather than create an idyllic scene in our minds that can inevitably cause disappointment (I've been there). 

One of the inevitable stressors are last-minute gifts. I want to encourage you to get alone with God and quietly ask Him, "How can I give encouragement and show Your love to _______?" Change how you're thinking about the word "gift." Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Write meaningful, loving letters. Choose some pretty paper (or a legal pad. . .or a piece of printer paper. . .), sit down and write them a letter. What do you love about them? What memories do you share? Think about those we love who have passed away. What do we cherish the most? For me, it's seeing their handwriting and knowing they themselves wrote that note to me. In a digital age, we need tangible, hand-written records for our families. This is the most precious gift you can give. 
  • In a similar vein, choose twelve notecards and write similar sentiments as I mentioned above. They can open one note per month for monthly encouragement! Great for a college student (or anyone)!
  • Write down your favorite recipe on a pretty recipe card and put the non-perishable ingredients in a basket. This is special AND practical! This is perfect for daughters, granddaughters, etc. 
  • Gift cards are the classic go-to, but to make it more special, add something else. For instance, buy a restaurant gift card for your son and his wife, but include a cute note that says "You both work so hard and are wonderful parents. We want you to invest in your marriage! Enjoy dinner on us and we will provide babysitting!" It's the WORDS that make the gift special. 
  • Similarly, if you give a gift card, share some personal thoughts along with it. Give a Home Goods gift card, but add a note that says something like: "Creating a home is so special and I can't wait to see how you decorate! I'm praying the Lord's peace and presence over your home."
  • Pre-pay for three months (or however long) of house cleaning for a tired young mom.
  • Write coupons for practical help: a casserole you'll deliver once-a-month (this would bless anyone!), laundry-folding for an overwhelmed mom, or weekly time of reading aloud to an elderly loved one.
  • Sensory box subscriptions are great for kids and help moms, too! You can print out a certificate with a note that says: "You're an amazing mom! I love watching you take care of your little ones. Maybe this will buy you a few hours of quiet so you can recharge!"
  • Purchase a Bible and go through it, marking your favorite verses and making notes in the margins. This is a priceless gift for ANYONE you love! 
Do you notice the common thread? 1. These gifts focus on the heart and needs others might have and 2. Your words make all the difference with the gift.

Let go of what you think a gift "should" be and CHOOSE to view gift-giving as a way to love on others and bless them!

Believe me, I understand how putting this into action can be difficult! With five kids and lots of other factors, there is so much filling my mind. However, I have a choice in how I respond. Of course I've had plenty of moments where I have felt a little overwhelmed, but in this season of my life the pervading feeling is just being tired. Again, some of this is unavoidable! For those of us who are the organizers and coordinators of the family, certain logistics have to be discussed and thought about. However, we DO have a choice in how we let these things affect our thinking and our attitudes. We can allow stress to build and resentment to grow, or we can choose differently. 

Plenty is written about keeping our mindset on Christ during this season and keeping our focus on the right things, but living it out can prove difficult. We have to intentionally choose to course-correct and recenter, and this is a daily process. 

I am going to choose to start my day in the Word of God.

I am going to choose to turn off my email notifications so I don't see advertisements constantly. 

I am going to choose to spend time at home as a family this week instead of creating a "Christmas activity schedule" that will fill our nights (don't mistake doing "activities" as a family for true quality time).

I am going to release the unrealistic ideas I've created in my mind and ask myself "What will truly honor our humble, holy Savior?"

I am going to worship with my heart and not just my attendance at the Christmas Eve Service.

I am going to talk to the Lord about the stress I feel and continually be filled with His peace. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

It's not too late to adjust your heart and mindset this week. It's not too late to make the changes necessary so Christ can fill your home and heart! Let's spend these days leading up to Christmas by opening our eyes to the joy He has given us through His Son and praising Him for all He has done! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Family Christmas Movie List

One of our favorite things to do as a family during the holiday season is watch movies and shows together! Over the years we've figured out which ones we want to watch without fail, and I wanted to create a list that reflected our personal choices as a family. These are movies and shows that we are all comfortable watching together! Most are probably familiar to you, but a couple might be off the beaten path: 

Small One is on Amazon Prime. You have to buy it, but it's only $1.99 and can't be missed! 

My kids think Benji's Very Own Christmas Movie is kind of mediocre, but for some reason I just love the nostalgic feel of it! You can find it on Amazon Prime as well. 

Ben and Eddie's Christmas can be found here on YouTube. My siblings and I watched this as children (just like Small One) and it truly made an impact on me. Really listen to the lyrics of "Is Your Heart a Manger?" and dwell on the depth of those words. 

Hopefully this list is fun and helpful! I included a box where we can add in movies we want to try or extras we have time for. To get this list in PDF format, click here!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Gifts for Tween/Young Teen Girls

As Christmas is approaching, everyone is getting things checked off their lists and shopping is nearing completion for some - but I still wanted to share gifts ideas! All of the lists that I share can apply to other gift-giving occasions as well, and hopefully it will be a jumping-off point for your own ideas! 

Tween/young teen girls are out of the little girl stage but they aren't yet adults. I find this to be a fun challenge! Here are some ideas for the sweet tween/teen girl in your life.

Calling all 80's and 90's kids! Every girl needs a Caboodle! There are many uses for this organizational cary-all. 

And speaking of the 90s, this Scrunchie set (love the colors!) will be a blast from the past for some! 

Many tweens and teens are developing an early skincare routine, and this Face Brush makes it such a nice experience!

Bullet journaling is popular now, and pen set will let her create so many cute layouts! If she's not into the bullet craze, these are great for any art project. 

Who doesn't love a wearable blanket?! The shorter length makes it just the right fit. 

This eyeshadow palette was recommended to me by a friend of mine who is a former professional makeup artist - and you can get it at Target! 
These sneakers will go with anything - and the style is a great dupe for a MUCH more expensive brand!

Patches are huge right now, and this zipper bag is adorable and practical! Great for travel, school, and anything in between! 
Consider gifting a special piece of jewelry that she can wear for years to come, like this simple cross ring. Think about a meaningful symbol to her and/or your family and search for a corresponding ring or necklace. This will create a special emotional connection to the jewelry and she can always wear it with that special sentiment. 

These earbuds have amazing reviews - and are a GREAT price!

This gym bag is great for sports, dance class, or a quick weekend trip! Just the right size. 

Enjoy giving to those you love! 

Amazon links are affiliate links. When you use those links to make a purchase, I receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting Well Chosen!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Gifts for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Toddlers and Preschoolers are constantly exploring, playing, and actively learning! These are a few things they're sure to love.

This adorable Baby Pram is a favorite of my son Luke, who is almost four years old. Yes, my son loves this little stroller! We bought it for our now eight-year-old when she was a preschooler, and he attached strongly to it! Easy to push and has held up great!

This Inflatable Fort has endless possibilities! Great for indoors during the cold winter months. 

Poke-A-Dot books are a family favorite! Toddlers and preschoolers love to hear the popping sound when they press each dot! Many books in this series to choose from!

All five of my children have loved Buckle Toys! There's something about clicking each buckle into place and undoing it over and over! 

This Tobbles stacking toy is unique and fun!

We love this Peg Toy Set at our house! Simple but very entertaining! 

Preschoolers can learn their letters while practicing their fishing skills with this Magnetic Fishing Game

Little Golden Books are a childhood classic, and this Christmas Set has five titles that will brighten Christmastime! Also makes a great gift for a new baby!

This little Montessori Garden toy is adorable and has so many great features! 

Make art time fun with these Personalized Name Crayons!

I ordered a Lovevery Subscription for our daughter Ruby (almost 2 years old) and immediately after receiving our first box, I wished I had started much sooner! These boxes are filled with Montessori-style toys, books, and a guide filled with information. The quality is wonderful and my two youngest consistently play with the toys every day! Gifting options are available. 

I love introducing my kids to things from MY childhood, and the Complete Kidsongs DVD Collection is no exception! These DVD's have different themes and are filled with classic children's songs. I bought our set when Evy (now age 12) was a baby, and we are still watching! This is truly the gift that keeps on giving!

This Foam Block Set can be used to build with, but it's also so much fun for bath time! 

Enjoy giving to those you love! 

*Amazon links are affiliate links. When you purchase, I receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting Well Chosen!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Gifts for Babies

 There's nothing sweeter than watching little ones enjoy their first Christmas! Here are some sweet and fun gifts for the youngest baby in your life.

Babies is the most nostalgic baby book in my family (not only my current family, but my family of origin!). My mom read this book to me and my siblings, and I now read it to my babies when they're young. It's simple and sweet with a beautiful illustrative style by Gyo Fujikawa. 

Baby Animals, also by Fujikawa, is the perfect complement! You won't find cuter illustrations of animals anywhere! Pair the two books together for a sweet set. 

This Fisher Price Take-Alongs Set are all of the classic Fisher Price toys in miniature! Great to throw in diaper bags and hang in strollers!

Turn your high chair or any table into a fun play area with this Stay-Put Rattle Set. Suction cups keep everything in place and makes for great entertainment!

Little hands will love this Taggies Bunny Lovey (other styles available as well)! 

How adorable is this Jellycat Stuffed Bunny?! We love the Jellycat brand at our house; classic, soft and the perfect size! 

This Teether Set is made of wood and silicone and will stand up to little mouths! 

Barefoot Dreams for baby? Yes! Add a collaboration with Disney and this Winnie the Pooh Blanket is perfect to cuddle with.

This Whale Mobile is whimsical and soothing but will also keep baby entertained! Think about searching for a specific mobile theme to match the nursery or celebrate something the family loves (Disney, Star Wars, space, woodland animals, superheroes, a sports team, etc.).

The Hatch Baby Rest is not only a gift for baby; it's a gift for parents, too! We LOVE our Hatch and how customizable it is through the app. It serves as a night light, sound machine and time-to-wake timer. This gift can truly grow with baby for years to come!

You can't help but smile when you see this Game Boy Teether

Enjoy giving to those you love!

*Amazon links are affiliate links. When you purchase, I receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting Well Chosen!